1. Nurmikko-Fuller, T., Bangert, D., Hao, Y., & Downie, J. S. (2018, October). Swinging Triples: Bridging jazz performance datasets using Linked Data. Semantic Applications for Audio and Music 2018, Monterey, California. URL
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  3. Nurmikko-Fuller, T., & Bangert, D. (2018, September). Connecting jazz performance datasets using Linked Data. Digital Humanities Australasia 2018, Adelaide.
  4. Nurmikko-Fuller, T., Bangert, D., Dix, A., Weigl, D., & Page, K. (2018). Building prototypes aggregating musicological datasets on the Semantic Web. Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 42(2), 206–221. DOI
  5. Nurmikko-Fuller, T., Bangert, D., and Abdul-Rahman, A. (2017, August). All the Things You Are: Accessing an enriched musicological prosopography through JazzCats. Digital Humanities 2017, Montreal. URL
  6. Bangert, D., Abdul-Rahman, A., and Nurmikko-Fuller, T. (2017, June). JazzCats: A collection of aggregated RDF triples tracing performance history through musicological data. Rich Semantics and Direct Representation (RICH) Workshop 2017, Toronto.
  7. Bangert, D. (2016). JazzCats Body and Soul discography. Zenodo. Dataset. DOI
  8. Nurmikko-Fuller, T. (2016). SPARQL_queries_JazzCats. Zenodo. Dataset. DOI